Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Annual Report
Art Direction
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, New Zealand’s second largest tertiary provider, undertook a large-scale rebranding project to increase brand awareness and build on their vision of Whānau transformation through education.
The idea of “transformation” formed the theme for their 2015 Annual Report with a ceremonial Toki featuring on the cover. The Toki represents the transformation of raw materials into a taonga that symbolises the Tauira (student) journey at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Other raw materials that are spiritually significant in Māori culture – the pounamu, whalebone and flax – were also photographed, each representing specific outcomes the Annual Report needed to communicate.
Portraits of the Council and Executive team were inspired by traditional Māori portraiture, setting an authoritative and traditional tone. Pictograms, using the bespoke Uhi chisel font, were used throughout the document to highlight success stories and achievements.